
22 - Learning Theories with MindMeister

MindMeister is a tool that helps students to see what they are thinking by laying out a map for easy organization in a visual way, helping students create a clear thought process. But that's just the surface use. This tool is full of features and applications that allow it to be integrated into the classroom as a great in-room asset as well as hybrid or remote learning aid. It features an Education specific tab, filled with ideas from the MindMeister blog to make it even more helpful! I have used MindMeister to make a mindmap about learning theories which you can access below! You can access my mindmap here!

21 - Edpuzzle

Edpuzzle is an online video editing and tool that lets teachers cut, crop, and organize videos. But it's not too basic like you might imagine! Unlike a traditional video editor, this is more about getting certain clips into a format that allows teachers to engage directly with students on a subject. It also has allow teachers to provide assesments on videos. The result is a modern platform that's engaging for students but is also very easy to use for teachers. It even has a search tool where you can look up the works of others on the subject of your choosing and possibly save a lot of time!

20 - Jamboard

 Google Jamboard is a  digital whiteboarding tool that works with all Google apps (namely Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Docs, etc). Available to very different user types, this tool can be incredibly useful to collaborate and design together with your team virtually. Jamboard allows you to visualize and map out your innovation or design thinking project from start to finish! 

19 - Trello

  Trello enables you to organize projects and everything related to them into boards.  Trello is a collaborative work management app designed to track team projects, highlight tasks underway, show who they are assigned to, and detail progress towards completion.  At its core, Trello relies on the principles of Kanban project boards to visualize workflows, providing teachers and students with a simple overview of a project from start to finish. Trello’s key components are boards, lists, and cards. You can use all of these tools to create your board according to your project in any way you can imagine!

18 - Flipgrid

  Flipgrid is a video-based tool allows for discussion across digital devices, but in a way that make it look like as if it's Snapchat but for education! This powerful discussion tool does have Microsoft behind it but, despite this professional backing, it's not too complicated of an app and everyone can use it with ease! What you can do on Flipgrid is that teachers can post "Topics" that are essentially videos with some accompanying text. This is then shared with students, who can be prompted to respond.  You can  click here to watch my Flipgrid video on my favorite education tool  and  click here to watch my Flipgrid video on ELT

17 - TPACK and SAMR explained through Miro

 Miro is basically a digital whiteboard that makes it easy to collaborate with others online. The software allows you to create notes and designs, move things around which would make it really easy to have group projects without even meeting! And most importantly Miro allows you to communicate through embedded video calls or online chats! You don't even need an extra app to do all of this. The tool also comes with a series of pre-built templates that can help you figure out what you wanna do and act as a  starting place for your own project work. I think I will make quite some use of Miro myself in the future to allow my students to collaborate with each other through online means, and the design of the app makes it very easy! Click here to view my mindmap on TPACK and SAMR!

16- Telecollaboration

  This semester we did a telecollaboration project with students from University of Malaga! What we did during our meetings Group 5 of the Valiant project from IUC and UMA had 4 meetings in total. In the first meeting we introduced ourselves and some of us made use of apps like Storybird. For the second week we all took turns to read the paragraphs that discussed the issues we faced while learning English. We had a fruitful conversation where we decided that we all had issues with pronunciation and wanted to create an activity based around this issue. On week three we all presented the apps that we found that we might use for the activity we are planning. We have discussed many apps that could be of help during these meetings and decided to take a closer look into three apps. These were Wetoku, which is an app that allows students to provide feedback. English Accent Coach which is an app where student could learn about the phonetic alphabet and Youglish which is a site where you can